2011 Smashbash Local Music Festival


SUNDAY August 28, 2011


Thursday, April 14, 2011


Dirty Blonde will be playing with Hugo on April 28 at Mojo's Cafe in Ogden! HIT IT UP!

Nate Francis

 Isn't my cousin the cutest! Go see him play April 14th at the Logan Art House and Cinema 795 North Main Street Logan, UT 84321 at 8PM!!

Free Song!

Want to catch up on what Ryan Darton is doing? Go get a free song on his website: http://www.ryandarton.com/. Easy as 1..2..3..

Desert Rocks

hi Kids! Wanted to share something...Our hip hop faves SCENIC BYWAY will be performing at the 2011 Desert Rocks Music Festival in Moab Utah on May 27-29th!!! Wanna go? You should. The line up is epic!